Online Powerlifting Coaching with Dr. Dave Osborn
Not able to train at OPS in Wenatchee but still want to work with Dr. Dave? Online coaching is available for interested powerlifters. Training is tailored specifically to the needs of the lifter and is updated weekly to ensure quality and up to date coaching. Dave's education and anecdotal coaching experience provide an incredibly thorough source of programming knowledge that will ensure the best fit of volume, frequency, and specificity based on your needs as a lifter. Whether you're competing at the American Pro or your local state meet Dave is going to work with you to put on your best possible performance.
Included in Online Coaching Packages
1. Training sessions distributed weekly
2. As many training sessions needed per week to meet individual lifter demands
3. Unlimited text/email with Dr. Dave for up to date communication between client and coach
4. Same day video reviews of lifts ensuring optimal technique for the lifter
5. Ongoing conversations on programming, lift mechanics, and sport psychology via email/text/video to foster a strong coach-athlete relationship
$300 for 4 weeks of Online Coaching
If interested in becoming an online client with Dave please fill out the contact information form below and Dave will get back to you as soon as possible.